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Explore Health Careers

A career in healthcare can take many paths. We have put together these resources to help you explore your options and understand each role.

Male Healthcare Provider


Nurses are on the front line of providing patient care. There are so many routes to take within nursing. From assisting as a CNA to running your own clinic as a nurse practitioner, you can find what you love.

Nurses are on the front line of providing patient care. There are so many routes to take within nursing. From assisting as a CNA to running your own clinic as a nurse practitioner, you can find what you love.


Those who practice medicine have expanded beyond physicians to a wide variety of roles ranging from paramedics to technicians to surgeons. All are an integral part of the medical team.


Support group

Behavioral health roles include peer support, counselors, and psychiatrists. Their goal is to help children, adolescents, and adults deal with a variety of life stresses and problems.


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Oral health is a big part of our overall wellness. Dental workers work together to give us healthy and happy smiles.

Nurses are on the front line of providing patient care. There are so many routes to take within nursing. From assisting as a CNA to running your own clinic as a nurse practitioner, you can find what you love.

Filling Out Prescriptions

Pharmacy is the team behind the medications and tools we use to maintain and improve our health in clinical settings and at home.


Recording a Class

Public health roles include community health workers, health educators, and epidemiologists. Their goal is to help communities in every aspect of health where we live, learn, work, and play.

Public Health

Health and patient care takes many forms. It can be an immediate or specific need to ensure survival or lasting issues that need support to preserve quality of life. Best practice is patient centered and informed. This requires clear communication and patient education.

The effectiveness of acute services targeting individuals or populations, depends on time-sensitive and rapid intervention. It has a vital role in the prevention of death and disability. It includes:

  • Health promotion

  • Preventive care

  • Curative treatment

  • Rehabilitation

  • Palliative actions

"Get the patient to the right place at the right time for the right intervention."


Chronic care focuses on reducing pre-mature mortality and improving quality of life. It accounts for a high proportion of health costs. High-performing chronic care systems:

  • Are free at point of use

  • Prioritize prevention

  • Promote self-management

  • Provide collaborative primary care

  • Perform regular risk screening

  • Ensure access to specialists

  • Use technology for clear communication and data sharing


"70-86% of deaths are due to chronic disease."

Health education enables people to actively determine and increase their personal health status rather than just seek to prevent illness.

  • Prior education or experience leads to voluntary change

  • Health is dynamic across the life-course

  • Influences are multi-dimensional

  • A person-centered approach adapts to needs

  • Collaborative partnerships share responsibility

"Health is physical, social, and mental well-being and not merely the absence of disease"

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Also, check out these health career exploration videos
from the Northern Colorado Health Sector Partnership

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There are loan repayment options after you graduate for a variety of health careers!
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